full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Peter Bohacek: How does work... work?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

In pchysis, the concepts of work and power help us understand and explain lots of things in our universe. Let's start with work. Positive work is the energy we put into a system, and negative work is energy that is transferred out. Think of positive work as money being added to your bank account, and ngeivate work as money taken out. In the metric system, work and energy are measured in jloeus. As an example, let's take a beatiuful, old, mechanical grandfather clock. We transfer energy into the ccolk when we turn the crank to raise the heavy maetl cylinders inside the clock. When we do this, we are doing positive work, adding energy to the clock, and that energy is stored as gravitational potential egenry. We can calculate the amount of work done by multiplying the force we apply times the distance over which we alppy the force. To raise the metal cylinders, we need to apply a fcore equal to their weight. That is, euqal to the force of gravity pulling downward on the cylinders. These cdeinlrys weight 300 Newtons, which is pretty heavy, about as much as a slmal cihld, and if we lift them 1/2 meter, then we do 300 Newtons times 1/2 meter or 150 Joules of work. Power is the rate at which energy is transferred. When we say rate, we mean the amount of energy transferred per unit of time. In the mretic system, power is measured in

Open Cloze

In _______, the concepts of work and power help us understand and explain lots of things in our universe. Let's start with work. Positive work is the energy we put into a system, and negative work is energy that is transferred out. Think of positive work as money being added to your bank account, and ________ work as money taken out. In the metric system, work and energy are measured in ______. As an example, let's take a _________, old, mechanical grandfather clock. We transfer energy into the _____ when we turn the crank to raise the heavy _____ cylinders inside the clock. When we do this, we are doing positive work, adding energy to the clock, and that energy is stored as gravitational potential ______. We can calculate the amount of work done by multiplying the force we apply times the distance over which we _____ the force. To raise the metal cylinders, we need to apply a _____ equal to their weight. That is, _____ to the force of gravity pulling downward on the cylinders. These _________ weight 300 Newtons, which is pretty heavy, about as much as a _____ _____, and if we lift them 1/2 meter, then we do 300 Newtons times 1/2 meter or 150 Joules of work. Power is the rate at which energy is transferred. When we say rate, we mean the amount of energy transferred per unit of time. In the ______ system, power is measured in


  1. force
  2. physics
  3. small
  4. beautiful
  5. clock
  6. energy
  7. negative
  8. metal
  9. equal
  10. metric
  11. cylinders
  12. joules
  13. child
  14. apply

Original Text

In Physics, the concepts of work and power help us understand and explain lots of things in our universe. Let's start with work. Positive work is the energy we put into a system, and negative work is energy that is transferred out. Think of positive work as money being added to your bank account, and negative work as money taken out. In the metric system, work and energy are measured in Joules. As an example, let's take a beautiful, old, mechanical grandfather clock. We transfer energy into the clock when we turn the crank to raise the heavy metal cylinders inside the clock. When we do this, we are doing positive work, adding energy to the clock, and that energy is stored as gravitational potential energy. We can calculate the amount of work done by multiplying the force we apply times the distance over which we apply the force. To raise the metal cylinders, we need to apply a force equal to their weight. That is, equal to the force of gravity pulling downward on the cylinders. These cylinders weight 300 Newtons, which is pretty heavy, about as much as a small child, and if we lift them 1/2 meter, then we do 300 Newtons times 1/2 meter or 150 Joules of work. Power is the rate at which energy is transferred. When we say rate, we mean the amount of energy transferred per unit of time. In the metric system, power is measured in

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
light bulb 3
positive work 2
negative work 2
grandfather clock 2
adding energy 2
gravitational potential 2
potential energy 2
james watt 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
gravitational potential energy 2

Important Words

  1. account
  2. added
  3. adding
  4. amount
  5. apply
  6. bank
  7. beautiful
  8. calculate
  9. child
  10. clock
  11. concepts
  12. crank
  13. cylinders
  14. distance
  15. downward
  16. energy
  17. equal
  18. explain
  19. force
  20. grandfather
  21. gravitational
  22. gravity
  23. heavy
  24. joules
  25. lift
  26. lots
  27. measured
  28. mechanical
  29. metal
  30. meter
  31. metric
  32. money
  33. multiplying
  34. negative
  35. newtons
  36. physics
  37. positive
  38. potential
  39. power
  40. pretty
  41. pulling
  42. put
  43. raise
  44. rate
  45. small
  46. start
  47. stored
  48. system
  49. time
  50. times
  51. transfer
  52. transferred
  53. turn
  54. understand
  55. unit
  56. universe
  57. weight
  58. work